
Script Error

The script did not produce proper HTTP headers. Please see the error log to see the detail of the errors. Depending on the server configuration, you can also run thisscript under CGIWrap debugging. Usually, either rename or linkthe script temporarily to a file which ends with .cgidextension, or add a AddHandler cgi-script-debug .cgi line to your .htaccess file.

とか言われていたのでとりあえず.htaccessファイルに"cgi-script-debug .cgi"の一文を追加。

Base class package "CGI::Session::ID::MD5" is empty.
    (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first.)
 at lib/CGI/Session/File.pm line 12

ということでサーバのlib/CGI/Sessionを覗くがたしかにそれらしいものはない。……いやサーバに格納する前のバックアップには入っている? なんだそりゃ。

  • lib/CGI/Session/ID/
  • lib/CGI/Session/Serialize/
  • lib/TeX/Hyphen/
  • lib/URI/file/
  • lib/WWW/RobotRules/
